Great Gadgets

I like to keep things simple in the kitchen but a few trustworthy tools can take your cooking to the next level, saving you time, adding ease and taking some of the guess work out of the tasks at hand.

Microplane Grater-Zester: This tool gets used multiple times a day in our house beginning with grated nutmeg for the morning latte!  Grate fresh parmigiano over your pasta dinner and make zesting citrus a breeze with this stealth gadget.

Digital Scale: Take baking to the next level with the ability to precisely measure ingredients.  The easy to read digital scale switches from grams to ounces with a quick click of a button.

Rocker Blade: Slice pizza and pastry with this sleek blade.  Rolling blades can drag ingredients.  This rocker blade leaves toppings in place and cuts to the chase.

Dough Scraper: Don’t miss a thing.  Not only a great way to move pastry and bread dough around the work surface, this gets used to divide dough and collect chopped herbs.

Digital Thermometer: The Thermoworks digital thermometer delivers fast and accurate temperature readings when you need a second opinion on a perfectly cooked piece of meat.



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